torsdag 16. juli 2009

Cancíon del Jinete

Lejana y sola

Jaca negra, luna grande,
y aceitunas en mi alforja
Aunque sepa los caminos
yo nunca llegaré a Córdoba

Por el llano, por el viento
jaca negra, luna roja.
La muerte me está mirando
desde las torres de Córdoba.

¡Ay qué camino tan largo!
¡Ay mi jaca valerosa!
¡Ay, que la muerte me espera,
antes de llegar a Córdoba!

Lejana y sola.

Federico Garcia Lorca

lørdag 11. juli 2009


The duende, then, is a power, not a work. It is a struggle, not a thought. I have heard an old maestro of the guitar say, 'The duende is not in the throat; the duende climbs up inside you, from the soles of the feet.' Meaning this: it is not a question of ability, but of true, living style, of blood, of the most ancient culture, of spontaneous creation.

Everything that has black sounds in it, has duende

This ‘mysterious power which everyone senses and no philosopher explains' is, in sum, the spirit of the earth, the same duende that scorched the heart of Nietzsche, who searched in vain for its external forms on the Rialto Bridge and in the music of Bizet, without knowing that the duende he was pursuing had leaped straight from the Greek mysteries to the dancers of Cadiz or the beheaded, Dionysian scream of Silverio's siguiriya.

Federico García Lorca

24.february: An art that envelop and reveal, that opens up and shows what is hidden behind the weil. Then the same struggle exists also today, as for thousands of years ago;
peoples desolateness in a world abonded by God, a world gone off the tracks because we are unable to interpret the signs.
Og tenk på det, aldri er man noe sted uten å være i et navn, uten å være i et område med et navn, på et fjell med et navn, i en by med et navn - alltid befinner man seg i et eller annet ord som er funnet på av andre, som man aldri har sett og som forlengst er glemt, et navn som en gang ble skrevet for første gang. Vi er alltid i ord.

Cees Nooteboom: Omvei Santiago